Paris Apartment, an album by Jem and Kent

Monday, 31 July 2017

A Lady

A turn of her cheek,
Perfectly timed.
Desirable, admirable 


Jet Set

Airport hotel
Double glazed silence,
Watching jets


Buddhist Girl

Buddhist girl
I want
To sit
Your Bodhi.


I Like Your Boots

In an alternate universe
You and I are lovers,
But you
Still wear those boots.



We look out
Through our own
Twisted prisms. 

Egomaniacs, pretenders, psychopaths, actors and fools.

And yet,
We don't go on about KPI's, 
So that's something.


Politics, The Moon, Love

You can't own land, Earth doesn't recognise title deeds, all you can do is control the wealth that humans associate with land, and refuse to share it.

You see? I would give you the moon, but my politics won't allow it.


Tea And Sigh

He handed me a shopping list.

sleeping pills
razor blades

Sharing an apartment
With a poet
Can be wearing.

They can't make tea
And sigh
Like normal people.


Like The Twin Suns Of Tatooine

When she quoted Star Wars
In context,
I saw her dazzling eyes
For the first time.


Right Now

Right now
I'd love to be walking past The Know,
On NE Alberta,
The inaccurate spitting technique
Of the underage rock chicks
Hanging outside,
Bless their little torn stockings.


(cue dancing girls)

Brush off my old blues suit, 
Borrow a sombre tie.
Polish my black mood shoes,
Time to say goodbye.

A rite
Must be performed.
And you,
A performer,
And me,
A performer,
Identical costumes
For the show.

Words written.
Bullet bitten.
Nerve uncertain,
Open curtain.

Words spoken.
Heart broken.
Voice broken.
Everything is broken.

But hey,
At least I'm looking good,
Right mate? 
You too.

The show must go on.
(cue dancing girls).


Paint Flakes

Hope has flaked
Like the cheap paint
On the sun burned window sills
Of a rented apartment.

He sees the window sills as beautiful,
"Look at the texture", he says.
She didn't know that living with an artist
Would be like this.

She leaves her goodbye note
In a pile of swept up paint flakes
On the floor.


Sunday, 30 July 2017

The Past Can Kiss My Arse

The past
Can kiss my arse.

The past,
Stumbling about like an old drunk,
Butting into conversations,
Repeating itself
Like a scratched record that pokes me in the chest and insists I listen,
Keeping me awake
With its flatulent,
Wise man,

The past
Can kiss my arse. 


Don't Fence Me In

The ceilings in this studio apartment
Are so low
There isn't room
For a man
To hang himself.


When He Said You Were Beautiful

When he said you were beautiful
He didn't notice that your hair was dry and rough from being dyed for too many years,
He didn't notice the worried lines around your eyes,
He didn't notice the scar on your chin, although he did recall the story behind it.
He didn't notice the creases on your neck, from when you put on weight during pregnancy.
He didn't notice the stretch marks on your belly or the cellulite on your thighs. 
He did notice your funny knees, but he always found them charming.

He saw all these things,
But he didn't notice them. 
All he noticed was that you were beautiful. 
Then he said you were beautiful.



Did I say beautiful?
I meant to say

I sometimes
Confuse the two.


5th And Washington

Standing on a bus stop
On the other side of the world,
Waiting to be transported 
A few miles down the road.

For a few moments
Feel Earth spinning
Under feet,
Recall sunrise
Flying into California,
Coming towards
As I came towards.

Board bus,
Feel Earth spinning
Under spinning wheels,
Distracted by locating
5th and Washington,
Alight bus,
Step back
Onto flat earth.



I think of you
Three times
Before sleep,
A dog
Turning three times,
A memory
Of wild wolf nights.


May I Have The Pleasure?

The ghosts
Of the hairs
On the back of my neck
Stand up
To ask
The ghosts
Of the hairs
On the back of your neck
To dance.



All I needed to know
Was that sometimes
One corner of your mouth
Smiled a little
When I wasn't around.



The early bird
Catches the worm.
At this hour
The cafe is closed
So I must take
Railway station coffee
And croissant
Which may as well
Be worms.


Not Magic

My world weary Wendy,
You thought me a silly boy
When I wanted us to fly around the world.

But I knew we'd have to save money,
Fly Qantas,
Not magic.


Hey Little Punky Girl

Little punky girl, 
You reckon you invented 

You're like a Gilligan's Island 
Much less fun,
And you ain't no Mary Ann.


Friday, 28 July 2017

The Patron Saint Of Celebrities

He's the assistant
To the photographer
To the stars.

The photographer tells him,
"We're not here
To take their portrait,
We're here
To make them feel loved".

Wherever they go,
The assistant
To the photographer
To the stars
One silver teaspoon
And one pair of knickers,
And the stars
Know they are loved.


A Wise Bear

If a bear
Wants to be a bear, 
Wild and free,
It is best
He doesn't reveal
He can dance.


Lie On Me Like A Blanket

Come back to bed,
Lie on me like a blanket.
A blanket with clumsy knees
And sharp elbows.

Rest your coffee breath
On my ear,
Your warm thigh
On my belly,
Your awake hands
In my hair.

Lie on me,
Like a blanket,
Let me feel
Your weight,
Warm and awake and alive,
While I sleep.


What The World Needs Now

What the world
Needs now
Is a big
And bloody
So the music
Gets good again.


Blink Twice

Zero mass,
Pure radiation,
Not a hook
To hang my hat on.
Am I travelling light?
I'm a photon.
Blink twice,
I'm gone.



If he is in love,
Or in the tropics,
The sound of mosquitoes
Spawning in his bedside
Water glass
Wakes him from dreams
Of her.



To shed his old skin
He grew ever more
Tightly bound
And thin skinned
As he grew

Until he grew old
And shrunk,
In his own skin
At last.


Two Guitars

The floor
Of my apartment 
Is covered
By guitar cases.
Two guitar cases.
This is about
How small
My apartment is,
Not about



Wide open one a.m.

Sitting silently smoking,
Searching streetscape.

Wanting a witness.

To see,
To assure Self


Not A Metaphor

Dreary laundromat,
Clothes dryer timer,
Counting down minutes,
Then seconds.

When my time is up
I'll go
To a better place.

Perhaps a cafe?

Or somewhere else
That exists.


And Mexico

And Mexico
Can be anywhere,
And instead of being rich
And pretending we are poor,
We can be poor,
And pretend we are rich, 
And pretending to be poor,
And Mexico
Can be anywhere.


Oh Echo



"Echo, I know your story."


"Because you fooled Hera she punished you."


"You were doomed to speak only the last word you heard, forever."


"Echo, I'm here to tell you that the gods are dead."


"Echo, I'm here to set you free."


"Echo, the gods are dead, they can no longer punish you, be free."


"Please Echo, be free."


"Please Echo!"


"Oh, Echo!"



Green Beans, Unrequited

You remember a time when you were a kid, your mother was a little flustered cooking dinner, she boiled the green beans a little too long, then forgot to drain them, then let them go a little cold, so they were mushy and a little bitter and squeaked between your teeth when you ate them, but your father was giving you that look, so you just had to chew them up, squashed in with some mashed potato, then many years later, you told a girl that you loved her, and she returned a sympathetic smile, then she asked you what you were thinking about and you replied, "green beans", and she thought you were being a little bitter and having a joke at her expense, but the sensation in your mouth was exactly the same and there was no way to explain and you never saw her again, and you had to chew it up, eased down with some liquor, because your father's eyes taught you that's what you do.
