Paris Apartment, an album by Jem and Kent

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Kiss Science

There oughta' be a Nobel Prize. 

No physicist observes evidence more accurately,
No mathematician makes quicker calculations.

Does she want him to kiss her? Cheek or lips?

There oughta' be a Nobel Prize.


Friday, 8 September 2017

A Text Message From A Friend

A while back I was playing a regular Thursday late night gig with a quirky psychadelic jazz band. All was going sweetly until the venue owner decided to become our musical director, told us to change what we played or ship out. He who pays the piper and all that, we were all on our way to what we knew would be the last gig, not feeling too excited about going, when we all received the following text message. It came from a friend who has forgotten more about music than I'll ever know. I quote it exactly, I still have it on my phone.

HavagreatgigDudes,FucktheChumpassedBeanCountingCockSuckingBarstaffingSheepCountingMonkeyUnManagingFoolswhoDaretoJudge+CriticizeYourBravelyTrueAndAwesomeART. Hitlerdidthatshittoo, KillNazisAndFuckthePolice ILoveyou Loverick, WishiWasThere In the studio till 2am, havefun X

We played a great final gig.


Wednesday, 6 September 2017

The Bloomsday Girl

This song is kind of a spoken thing, not certain it makes sense in print but here it is.

The Bloomsday Girl.

When I asked if you liked Miles Davis,
You said yes.
Have you read J.D. Salinger?
You said all nine short stories, For Esme With Love and Squalor and all the rest, yes.
Will you join me for coffee?
You said you don't get out of bed for a day that doesn't promise good coffee, yes.
Japanese food?
You asked if tuna sashimi makes me horny too, we both laughed yes yes yes.

And you said yes,
Every time I posed a question.
And you said yes,
And it opened up my eyes,
To the possibilities.

When I asked, do you like it that way?
You said yes yes yes, halleluljah you said yes.
Will you come walkabout with me?
You said hand in hand we'll wander 'round this planet together, yes.
Can I pick you up, when you're down, can I carry you, will you let me be your man?
You said yes please.
When I got down on one knee, when I got down on one knee,
You said yes, glory be you said yes.

And you said yes,
Every time I posed a question.
Yeah you said yes,
And it opened up my eyes,
To the possibilities.

If I gave up playing music, if I had a day job, would you still love me?
You said yes.
That's never going to happen, I'm doomed to being a drifting bum forever,
You still said yes.
When it gets too hard, will you hold me?
Of course yes.
Every day, when I look into your eyes i see just one word.

Cos' you said yes,
Every time I posed a question.
And you said yes,
And it opened up my eyes,
To the possibilities.


Saturday, 2 September 2017

White Supremacy

It’s like the wallpaper
Calling the kettle
John Coltrane.
